What's new

掲載情報 Begin 5月号

Publication information Begin May issue

Begin May Issue

Publication information Begin May issue

Begin May Issue

掲載情報 Lala Begin 4,5月号

Publication information Lala Begin April, May i...

Lala Begin April/May issue

Publication information Lala Begin April, May i...

Lala Begin April/May issue


SAMPLE Festival Announcement

"SAMPLE Festival" will be held💘

SAMPLE Festival Announcement

"SAMPLE Festival" will be held💘



[New Year's Sale]


[New Year's Sale]

冬物アウター Begin 1月号 掲載

Winter outerwear featured in Begin January issue

Begin January issue This will be the first original product in the series to be released as SLOW TEMPO. P coat It has been published! In addition to pea coats,...

Winter outerwear featured in Begin January issue

Begin January issue This will be the first original product in the series to be released as SLOW TEMPO. P coat It has been published! In addition to pea coats,...

掲載情報 mina 11月号

Publication information: mina November issue

In the November issue of mina Fairfax 2B Jacket Fairfax Pants The setup has been posted! I think it's also cool and stylish when women wear it in a boyish...

Publication information: mina November issue

In the November issue of mina Fairfax 2B Jacket Fairfax Pants The setup has been posted! I think it's also cool and stylish when women wear it in a boyish...