Recommended style that can only be done now


The weather has been nice these past few days, so I've been wearing long sleeves and enjoying myself ( lol ).

The summer heat is expected to return from tomorrow, but it will likely get a bit chilly at night.

When the temperature difference in a day is drastic, I recommend pairing a long sleeve shirt with shorts.

It's a coordination!

If you feel a little hot, you can roll up your sleeves to keep cool, and at night you can stretch them out for comfort.

The best thing about it is that it doesn't take up much space like outerwear.

So this time I will show you how to coordinate using the Indigo Longsleeve tee (ALOHA) from SALVAGE PUBLIC.

I'm going to keep doing that!

First, match the navy of the CA Pile Shorts for a one-tone look.

The top has a big silhouette, so it is easy to balance even when paired with slim shorts.

it's recommended.

The hem has a string attached, and when you pull it, it loosens and changes the look, and when you untie it, it just stays that way.

Even if you let it flow to the side, it can add an accent and be enjoyed in a variety of ways.

Untie the strings at the hem and pair with the brown CA Pile Shorts for a relaxed look.


The cap and sandals are also a calm brown base to avoid looking childish.

It also creates a sense of unity to a certain extent.


Another pair of shorts that I would also recommend is the Side Walk Shorts !

Even if the style is the same, the silhouette of the pants will be slightly wider and more lustrous.

It will give you a different impression.


I'll be wearing the Indigo Longsleeve tee for a while now, so I'll show you how to coordinate it in various ways.

Have fun!


Text by Ohnami


SALVAGE PUBLIC : Indigo Longsleeve Tee (ALOHA)

Melple: CA Pile Shorts

Melple: Side walk Shorts

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